"I briefly contemplated my issues with words like fiance, wedding, husband, etc. I just couldn't put it together in my head. On the one hand, I had been raised to cringe at the very thought of poofy white dresses and bouquets. But more than that, I just couldn't reconcile a staid, respectable, dull concept like husband with my concept of Edward. It was like casting an archangel as an accountant; I couldn't visualize him in any commonplace role."
Bella Swan thought the above just before she married Edward.
Surely, they cannot even begin to encapsulate anything about what Clement is to me. He is a husband, yes. He is also a friend, a companion, a warm hand to hold, a shoulder to cry and lie on, my personal cook; he is the world to me. And the wedding, it is the day I celebrate the start of my happy union with Clement. But it is also a day that marks the end of my parents' care for me, the day that my grandparents are proud of how big their granddaughter has grown and how she's turned out, the day that I leave home for a new one, the day I become a wife.
Bella Swan thought the above just before she married Edward.
(I've been re-reading Twilight 'cos I'm a secret sucker for the love story between Bella and Edward, and also 'cos I think almost every girl can relate to the seemingly too-ordinary, clumsy, awkward, two-left-feet and ungraceful Bella. There's a bit of Bella in every girl, and I think that's what makes her so special.)
I'm borrowing her words for now, because I feel the same way. My life has been one big whirl of wedding-related activities and thoughts; I've been breathing and eating wedding preparation for what feels like the longest time ever. Now that everything's over and I have time to sit and re-collect.. I think about what concepts like the above mean.
Surely, they cannot even begin to encapsulate anything about what Clement is to me. He is a husband, yes. He is also a friend, a companion, a warm hand to hold, a shoulder to cry and lie on, my personal cook; he is the world to me. And the wedding, it is the day I celebrate the start of my happy union with Clement. But it is also a day that marks the end of my parents' care for me, the day that my grandparents are proud of how big their granddaughter has grown and how she's turned out, the day that I leave home for a new one, the day I become a wife.
It's been a season of much joy and happiness, and I have been blessed tremendously. There is so much that has happened in the short span of time since I aged one more year; I barely know where to begin my tales!
I will start at the chronological start (although time sometimes make more sense when one thinks of it cyclically instead of linearly..): my Bachelorette's Party, a.k.a. my hen's night - where a bride is supposed to be mourning the loss of her singlehood. Traditional hen's nights usually involve a stripper (or two), plenty of booze, and girls getting all high and cackly (hence the term "hen's night", I think.)
Well, mine wasn't quite so wild, but it was one of the best nights of my life.
With my most precious girl friends taking their Saturday off to spend it with me, how else could it have turned out? :) Cheryl Anne was my party planner, and she did such a fabulous job bringing all my girl friends together for a night of good, clean fun at the Fairmont hotel.
Trina, Carol, Audrey, Chelsa, Cheryl Sarah, Cheryl Anne - you girls are my life, and long may that continue!

This was the sight that greeted me when I returned to the room.
I was wondering if I should bash my way through, or slowly undo the scotch-tape for each piece hurhur!

After bashing my way through.... These were what I saw!
Pretty helium balloons, a mystery box, and a table very nicely laid out with my favourite gula melaka pandan chiffon cake from Cedele and bottles of Moscato :)

My girls were hilarious - they sang me a song to the "Happy Birthday" tune, but didn't know what to replace the "birthday" with. Somehow, seeing a cake with lit up candles always makes us wanna burst into a "Happy Birthday", eh?

The aftermath of my entrance. Haha!

Close-up of said mystery box... And its contents. ;)

Everyone trying to help me decide which of the pretty baubles to put on..

Okay, just two pictures of me be-decked. I do look a little crazed, but because they put so much effort in decorating me... These are for you, darlings. :D
After a change of dresses, off we went to dinner!
While at dinner... We were busy bequeathing each other with gifts.
I think I got super skills in bed, extra powers with the broom and mop, and lifelong happiness, among many other lovely, happy things. :)

See! Everyone looks so happy with what I gave them. :P

I think they almost managed to nail the mafia shot, if I hadn't yelled "One, two, three, SCOWL!!"

I think that's all of the pictures I can show. The rest are just... Let's say that in the interest of protecting the dignity of myself and my intelligent, beautiful, genteel friends - I will stop my picture post here.
Okay, so I have pictures of honour with each of my lovely girls.
And little messages for each of them.

To Chelsa:
We've been through and grown much together.
We both learnt what it means to love and hurt at about the same time, and we've both made it through since. We've definitely come a long long way!
You've been a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, the perfect study pal.
I'd never have made it through university without you, in more ways than one.

To Audrey:
You've been my voice of reason more often than you know, and for that I am nothing but grateful.
You are one of the strongest, bravest, kindest souls I know, and you don't know this but I've always looked up to you. Long may that continue, my dearest pal!

To Cheryl Sarah Lee:
I'm never ever bored around you, you rarest of girl friends, you pal, you!
I'm so glad you managed to come for my party in spite of your crazy busy schedule and working the Saturday away. It wouldn't have been complete without you.

To Cheryl Anne:
Childhood friend, we are so similar in so many ways, almost like a reflection of myself.
It's taken us a while to love ourselves, and now that we do, I cherish the me I see in you even more.
Thank you, for being you. Thank you, for seeing me for who I am, and loving me nonetheless.
And, you are one mean party planner! :)

To darling little sister Carol:
I never meant to sit on you when you were a mere baby... We've grown through our differences and learnt to accept each other, and boy has it been a long 22 years of that.
Do know that I miss you even more now that we're no longer a corridor apart.
MLM, forever and ever! :9:9

To BFF Trina:
You've never judged me for anything I've done, and in you I've always had full acceptance of all I was, am, and will be.
There is little in life that is more precious than that; than you.
I love all of you very much.

Well, mine wasn't quite so wild, but it was one of the best nights of my life.
With my most precious girl friends taking their Saturday off to spend it with me, how else could it have turned out? :) Cheryl Anne was my party planner, and she did such a fabulous job bringing all my girl friends together for a night of good, clean fun at the Fairmont hotel.
Trina, Carol, Audrey, Chelsa, Cheryl Sarah, Cheryl Anne - you girls are my life, and long may that continue!
This was the sight that greeted me when I returned to the room.
I was wondering if I should bash my way through, or slowly undo the scotch-tape for each piece hurhur!
After bashing my way through.... These were what I saw!
Pretty helium balloons, a mystery box, and a table very nicely laid out with my favourite gula melaka pandan chiffon cake from Cedele and bottles of Moscato :)
My girls were hilarious - they sang me a song to the "Happy Birthday" tune, but didn't know what to replace the "birthday" with. Somehow, seeing a cake with lit up candles always makes us wanna burst into a "Happy Birthday", eh?
The aftermath of my entrance. Haha!
Close-up of said mystery box... And its contents. ;)
Everyone trying to help me decide which of the pretty baubles to put on..
Okay, just two pictures of me be-decked. I do look a little crazed, but because they put so much effort in decorating me... These are for you, darlings. :D
After a change of dresses, off we went to dinner!
While at dinner... We were busy bequeathing each other with gifts.
I think I got super skills in bed, extra powers with the broom and mop, and lifelong happiness, among many other lovely, happy things. :)
I, on the other hand, gave my friends useful gifts like 20 bouncing babies, 1 million dollars (in a million years), lifelong company in the form of 20 cats, and most importantly... the gift of Punctuality (for Cheryl Sarah Lee, especially. Haha!) Hehehe.
I think they almost managed to nail the mafia shot, if I hadn't yelled "One, two, three, SCOWL!!"
I think that's all of the pictures I can show. The rest are just... Let's say that in the interest of protecting the dignity of myself and my intelligent, beautiful, genteel friends - I will stop my picture post here.
Okay, so I have pictures of honour with each of my lovely girls.
And little messages for each of them.
To Chelsa:
We've been through and grown much together.
We both learnt what it means to love and hurt at about the same time, and we've both made it through since. We've definitely come a long long way!
You've been a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, the perfect study pal.
I'd never have made it through university without you, in more ways than one.
To Audrey:
You've been my voice of reason more often than you know, and for that I am nothing but grateful.
You are one of the strongest, bravest, kindest souls I know, and you don't know this but I've always looked up to you. Long may that continue, my dearest pal!
To Cheryl Sarah Lee:
I'm never ever bored around you, you rarest of girl friends, you pal, you!
I'm so glad you managed to come for my party in spite of your crazy busy schedule and working the Saturday away. It wouldn't have been complete without you.
To Cheryl Anne:
Childhood friend, we are so similar in so many ways, almost like a reflection of myself.
It's taken us a while to love ourselves, and now that we do, I cherish the me I see in you even more.
Thank you, for being you. Thank you, for seeing me for who I am, and loving me nonetheless.
And, you are one mean party planner! :)
To darling little sister Carol:
I never meant to sit on you when you were a mere baby... We've grown through our differences and learnt to accept each other, and boy has it been a long 22 years of that.
Do know that I miss you even more now that we're no longer a corridor apart.
MLM, forever and ever! :9:9
To BFF Trina:
You've never judged me for anything I've done, and in you I've always had full acceptance of all I was, am, and will be.
There is little in life that is more precious than that; than you.
I love all of you very much.