slept a good long sleep last night - from 1 to 11 this morning!
woke up a couple of times in the night though. my retainers were irritating my mouth and hurting like crap cos i think my teeth have already shifted out of alignment. everytime i woke up, i just continued praying where i left off when i dozed off previously and i'd go right back to sleep in a jiffy. i thought it was quite cool, how i'd fall asleep talking to God and feel so comforted and safe while doing that.
went to heartland mall today with dad to run some errands and pick up some things. bought another year's supply of contact lenses. and omg, i must whine about this: i discovered today that i have developed astig! :( :( :(
for years and years and years, i'd prided myself on staying astig-free, only having to contend with a rapidly deteriorating left eye. but now. i have astig on BOTH EYES!! :( i am appalled. how did it develop overnight? whyyyyyy. but nevermind. the optician said that since my myopia's already so imbalanced on both eyes, i don't have to make special glasses or contacts for my newly developed astig since the imbalance balances out the astig. or something weird like that. whatever lah. as long as things are under control and i can see my bus numbers, i'm okay.
and when you can't eat meat, meat looks especially good. i tell you, when i was eating my mushroom noodles just now, the lard looked especially delicious and i was so tempted to eat the crispy, tasty pieces strewn about in my bowl. i really had to force myself to pick up the pieces and put them elsewhere so i can't see them. temptation man.
then dropped by spi to buy word among us for the month. i tried looking for An Invitation to the Contemplative Life by Thomas Merton there but couldn't find it. but it wasn't a wasted trip anyway, cos i picked up two books. :) books make me happy. reading makes me happy. when i read, i lose myself in the pages of the book and all that i'm thinking, feeling or worrying about before reading just melts away.
last night was a good night, in several respects. i had a wonderful wonderful time with God. a lot was revealed to me, and i spent a rather long time journalling it all down lest i forget about it all. i will share about it all, later, perhaps.
but for now, i have to go do some schoolwork. do some readings, do some webcasting, whatever.
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