okay, nobody throws rocks at me or whatever, but i think love is a choice. it's not something that 'just' happens, that happens cos you have no 'choice'. i'm beginning to think that maybe initial attraction happens, but after that, you choose to stay in love. cheating doesn't 'just' happen either, in that same vein of thought. you choose to cheat. well yes, of course everything isn't always that simple, 1+1 isn't always equal to 2, but mostly, it is. theories deal with big pictures, with what usually happens - hence my theory on love does just that: explain what is the general situation for majority of the people in the world.
and i know this is going to sound totally off-tangent, but it really irks me how all movies/shows have a happy ending. even my video games have happy endings, for crying out loud. if movies are supposed to be a depiction of reality and not a fabrication of a construction, then how come all endings are happy ones? i think it's escapism, i think most people like happy endings, i think everyone wants a happy ending for themselves and so they project that wish onto their means of escape. duh. if not why would they call it escapism anyway, right. you escape from a reality that you don't like. to someplace better, someplace that suits your fancy, someplace where you don't feel miserable. but i'm beginning to wonder at how this all works, cos reality as we all know it, isn't all as it's cut up to be in the first place. i'm not trying to complicate an already far-too-complicated world, no siree, but reality is constructed. my experience of reality is different from yours, because the way i perceive what happens around me is necessarily not exactly the same as how you have processed it, cos hey, we're all unique individuals, aren't we. so since all reality is subjective, it should follow then that all experiences of "reality" is constructed, too - by ourselves.
i'm not a scrooge, i love a happy ending just as much as you do. probably because i'm hoping i'll have a happy ending myself, just like anyone else. but i think it's totally unrealistic to keep forcing every single situation in the movies into a happy ending. happily-ever-afters don't always happen in life, let's not talk about reality here, anymore. i'm just talking about life. take the show 10000BC - it was a perfectly lovely action show with lots of fighting and of course, a guy with a love interest. now, if you haven't watched it AND intend to catch it on dvd or on the internet, don't read this paragraph anymore and stop right here. love interest gets kidnapped by other barbarians, he goes to find her, almost saves her, she gets shot in the back by an arrow and well, dies. and it could have ended there, because how do cavemen or cavewomen, for that matter, come back from the dead. heck, even modern men can't. but no, some shaman woman had to give up her life from 10000 miles away to revive love interest who miraculously, comes back from the dead and guy marries her, and they live happily ever after. i mean like seriously, that whole coming back from the dead thing is just too uncalled for, obviously scripted in to give the show the happy ending that (almost) everybody wants, but i didn't.
anyway. i should be studying. not ranting about the abundance of happy endings. stats calls.
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