Wednesday, May 28, 2008


so now that i have stopped working, i have been catching up on sleep. alright, boring, i know. but it's only been two days since i stopped working on Monday, so excuse me for catching a rest. my social life has been a bit blah for a long time, everyone's so far away. partly my fault too, cos i mean to catch up with so many people but my need for sleep keeps me away from the computer and the phone, and glues me to my bed. today's the first night i'm actually planning to spend some time on the computer, the first time in like, almost a week. thinking of watching some episodes of house online, then maybe playing some wow or sims.

okay. inane post again. sorry. i am so thoroughly uninspired these days, i dunno why. oh, but i'm reading this book - The Other Boleyn Girl - now, and i don't know why but for some reason, Anne Boleyn really scares me with her sheer ambition. the movie isn't as good as the book, really. most movie adaptations aren't, even when taken solely as movies in their own right and not looked upon as a Movie-Adaptation.

i want to play games on my ps2 again, but i'm too lazy to walk downstairs to play anything. and. the GSS is on now, and everything's on sale. BUT. the crowds just gross me out and piss me off. ugh. dilemma. and even more pressingly: no money. i always never have enough money, always want more things. it's starting to become a little ridiculous.

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