Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I cannot begin to describe how delicious it feels to have nothing to do except mindlessly click on the "Hunt" button in Mouse Hunt every 15 minutes, and whiling my time away scheming on how best to spend the tuition fees I've just collected. I'm already planning to spend a substantial portion of it on new clothes, but I'm trying my best to reign in the urge to splurge cos I have so many other things I still want to do with my money. Like saving up for my many many trips, and getting married.

Haha getting married! I sound so solemn and serious! But it's true, must plan what.
I shall stop mousing and go to bed tucked in with a Harry Potter book to put me to sleep.
And, when I wake up, I will know what I should and should not buy. And start reading my philo text for the exam on Saturday.

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