My one week of legit break is almost over, and I am really quite screwed considering my workload this semester. I know, I promised to try to not whine in this space, butbutBUT - I can't help it!! My 2000 word Pynchon essay has not even begun to exist at this point as I type all this in, and this is very happily due on Tuesday by the way. I have a grand total of 3 other papers I need to start to work on, seeing how none of my groups are even slightly motivated to start anything, which just means I have to start divvying up parts of the report for each of us to concentrate on. I also have to read 2 books for my utopias class, which I have seemingly neglected over the last month or so, since the mid-term is in week 7, a mere 2 weeks from now. All that aside, I also have to start to read a lot more so that I will have an inkling of what I want to write about for my 2500 word utopia essay, and the 4000 word Pynchon essay that's worth a whopping 50% of my total grade for the class.
ARGH. And Chinese New Year doesn't even seem to be properly past yet!!! Ridiculous.
So much work to do, so little time. I am wondering if this is due to yet another semester of bad planning, or whether it's just that - a f*ckload of work that nevernever ends.
Whatever it is, two things I am absolutely certain of. Firstly, my urge to shop increases exponentially with the amount of work I am facing, and thus the frequency to spend money with a bit more wild abandon. Secondly, the arc of the rainbow shows me that nothing can escape from the forces of gravity; everything that goes up will come down at some point or the other, every tendency toward order will precipitate the onset of a certain kind of disorder somewhere else - the trajectory of the arc of the rainbow tells me that, just like the curve of the Poisson distribution. So what this really tells me is that as I strive to put the shambles of my school life into some semblance of order, this will result in disorder in some other aspect of my life, unavoidably. So I have to ready myself for the onset of chaos cos entropy is the natural state of things, & in the greater scheme of things, there will always be a tendency towards a larger disorder in spite of the little clumps of order that only seem to form some sort of pattern.
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