I really really hope x100 that I'm not falling sick.
My head has been feeling really heavy and cotton-woolly all of today. I could barely pay attention in lecture with the throbbing at the back of my head :/
Sigh please please please let me be not sick.
It's so important for me to be in tiptop shape this week, what with the photoshoot for my advertising project on Weds, and governance and new media report due in a week's time. :(
Oh no take care k? Drink more water, it's been so hot lately I've been having headaches too.
thanks so much Tri dear :(
i'm still feeling flu-ish, i hate the feeling of constantly going to be sick but not actually being really sick!
if you get what i mean hahaa
of course I do :p Try to get more rest, vit C, etc. Don't tip over to the dark side! I'll get u chicken essence lol
the dark side omg hahaha you're hilarious!
i think i infected Clem with my germ though heh, he was feeling lousy yesterday. i'm so bad right :(
Hahaha bound to happen I guess! Used to infect Andy with all my sore throats too :p
Are you feeling better though?
i have a sore throat now! lost my voice :/ the sniffles and sneezing's stopped though so i suppose that's an improvement :) as did the headaches!
so what do you think doctor? am i recovering alr? haha.
Clem should be stronger than me though so he shouldn't be so easily infected! hahaha
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