Thursday, August 19, 2010

With all these dusty dreams in the attic

As I sit here trying to come up with a topic for the pretend conference paper I'm to write for my Ideology & Lit class, I find myself thinking about too many other things - so I think to myself: perhaps if I pluck all those thoughts out and breathe some life into them by setting them into words, I can finally sift through all those cotton-woolly nebulous ideas floating around up there so that I can finally write my extract for the class tomorrow. I'm trying to come up with something that sounds remotely academic (how does The Ideological Underpinnings of Harry Potter grab you?) but failing miserably. At the same time, I find myself gravitating towards (muchly premature) thoughts of my upcoming graduation and wondering why I like to shop so much. It would seem that I'm a product of the ideology of consumerism in our society - where more and more material goods are wanted and falsely needed. Maybe I should stop watching shows like Gossip Girl. I always feel the urge to try to dress up even more after bingeing on back-to-back episodes of GG watching. I've also spent the last week applying for internships/jobs in the attempt to have something to look forward to upon graduation in December. I know, it makes very little sense to be applying for bottom-of-the-foodchain intern positions when I should be looking for a job, but this is actually a last-ditch attempt to try to find my way into a journalism job when I leave school. Kinda pathetic perhaps, but whoever said that I could carry a sackful of pride on my back in my hunt for that dream job? Okay perhaps Dream Job is somewhat of an exaggeration, but it's been something I've wanted for the longest time ever, so Long-Time-Yearned-For-Job would probably be more accurate.

No progress whatsoever on the thesis front though, I gotta step up on that by the start of next week! 12000 words of genius will not happen in a day or four.


Carol said...

but i'm sure the 12000 words of genius will happen to you! (:

Kelly said...

oh you have such faith sister!
but faith does make the world go round <3