Rather quiet day at work today (read: boring), so I figured that it's time to make good on my promise to try to blog more frequently. Had a really rested weekend so am glad that I could start this work week so fresh and happy :) I'm thinking I might want to start asking around for more beauty/fashion writing, cos all I've done so far are mostly promo pieces which I'm thinking will only be useful if I'm trying to get a job in advertising or copywriting. Um well, beauty/fashion writing will not help me get a job in PR, but I can indulge myself and my interests since I'm working for nothing right. :P
Wanderlust is setting in really quickly and badly. Friends are jetting off for the Christmas season and while I'm so excited for them, I half-wish I could leave the country toooooo. :( Cheryl's gone to Abu Dhabi (OMG!!!!), Trina's just left for HK, Angel&Matt are in Australia.. Such happening Christmases!! But actually come to think about it, the last Christmas I spent out of the country wasn't quite as exciting as I thought it would be. Clem and I spent Christmas 2009 in New York City, and we imagined that it would be oh-so-glamourous, balls of fun etcetra etcetra. As you can probably guess from the way this is going, it wasn't all as cut up as I'd imagined, and I wished I was home with friends and family revelling in lots of warm fuzzy moments and parties. Okay so no more Christmases away from home, I should be happy with my lot.
I hate to jump from topic to topic like that, but exam results are coming out tomorrow!! A part of me doesn't give a f**k anymore, but the part of me that slaved so hard over the semester cares too much and is freaking out at the thought that all this will be over soon. It's funny how things that mattered so much just weeks ago have taken on a different significance so quickly, and I wonder at what really and truly matters in the midst of so many important and significant things that become clutter within a matter of weeks or months. At this point in time, these are the four things that matter most to me - in no order of importance. Perhaps by listing these out, it'll help streamline my whirling thoughts a little.
1) Preparation for my upcoming wedding day and a lifetime of marriage thereafter.
2) Getting my job - which I seriously should have put more thought into before this so that I could have done the relevant internships/research and misc preparation.
3) Spending time with family and close friends since things will surely change in a short 11 months.
4) Putting my spiritual life and relationship with God in the equation at all times.
I honestly can't wait for point 2 to be settled, so that point 1 will be helped along and it'll put me in a much better disposition to work on points 3 and 4. Praying for a miracle to take place and for my job offer to come through by end-Jan. Dear God, please please PLEASE!!!