... Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
W.B. Yeats

The weekend was a fulfilling one, wedding-wise.
W.B. Yeats
The weekend was a fulfilling one, wedding-wise.
Thought through more decor to be done and tested out some ideas, went to choose and confirm my flowers for the church arrangements and my bouquet, got Clem's shoes and ties, collected the studio album, sat down with my programme ICs to hammer out the details of the wedding day programme...
Up next: settling the decor for the lunch hall, finalizing the dinner seating arrangements, finalize dinner decor.
Up next: settling the decor for the lunch hall, finalizing the dinner seating arrangements, finalize dinner decor.
WOOHOO! Things are getting settled one by one.
The list though, is never-ending.
Quick peek of what my bouquet is slated to look like:
Flowers make me happy.
If I were to consider an alternative career, I think I'd be a florist.
In my opinion, flowers are everything "pretty" should be. Delicate and vivacious at the same time, in all the colours the world can hold.
4 more weekends to the day, and I already am looking beyond that.
"But ultimately, there comes a moment when a decision must be made. Ultimately, two people who love each other must ask themselves how much they hope for as their love grows and deepens, and how much risk they are willing to take. It is indeed a fearful gamble. Because it is the nature of love to create, a marriage itself is something which has to be created, so that, together, we become a new creature.
To marry is the biggest risk in human relations that a person can take. If we commit outselves to one person for life, this is not, as many people think, a rejection of freedom; rather, it demands the courage to move into all the risks of freedom, and the risk of love which is permanent; into that love which is not possession, but participation. It takes a lifetime to learn another person. When love is not possession, but participation, then it is part of that co-creation which is our human calling, and which implies such risk that it is often rejected."
"But ultimately, there comes a moment when a decision must be made. Ultimately, two people who love each other must ask themselves how much they hope for as their love grows and deepens, and how much risk they are willing to take. It is indeed a fearful gamble. Because it is the nature of love to create, a marriage itself is something which has to be created, so that, together, we become a new creature.
To marry is the biggest risk in human relations that a person can take. If we commit outselves to one person for life, this is not, as many people think, a rejection of freedom; rather, it demands the courage to move into all the risks of freedom, and the risk of love which is permanent; into that love which is not possession, but participation. It takes a lifetime to learn another person. When love is not possession, but participation, then it is part of that co-creation which is our human calling, and which implies such risk that it is often rejected."
Madeleine L'Engle
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