I no longer have the guise of my profession to hide behind. Simple, get-to-know-you ice-breaker games which ask for me to introduce myself will no longer be as simple as before. I can't just say "Hi everyone, my name is Kelly. I work in PR for the library - and yes, I love books."
I have tremendously mixed feelings about this. Deciding to resign was possibly one of the hardest things I had to do in my life. Giving up a stable income, no matter how paltry it may seem, is really tough. Giving up the surety of earning power every month is terrifying on many levels. I will no longer be able to buy clothes on a whim. (ok, I shouldn't have been doing that anyway, but now I really can't) I have to think twice about buying myself that cup of iced latte on a hot day. Every cent has begun to count, and I hate it. I am terrified about depending on my husband to bring back the dough. I know he doesn't split hairs about our money, but I am still unnerved. So the onus is on myself to look out for writing jobs so that I don't feel so helpless. Perhaps this need to be economically viable and have earning power has been schooled in me from a young age.
I spent my first day luxuriating in my new status as a Stay-At-Home-Mom, just enjoying spending the hours with baby G as he frolicked and rolled about, and catching some shut-eye as he napped. I also did the same on my second day, since I'd had a tough night (was up every two hours since G found it necessary to get up every two hours to roll about and bat his cheeks). Soon, I will have to stop kicking back my feet in lazy afternoons, enjoying snatches of naps with the baby. I do actually have some things that really need to get written asap, but I shall start proper on Monday I suppose.
"Hi everyone, my name is Kelly. I don't hold down a full-time job that pays me to sit in the office for a set number of hours, but I do find some employment as a writer on a project basis. Most of the time though, I am a full-time mom to my baby boy, who is now almost five months old. I still love reading, shopping, and gaming, but these have to take even more of a back seat now that baby G is in my life. Sometimes, I do wish I had more time for myself to do all these. Ok, who am I kidding... A lot of the time, I wish I had more time for myself! But motherhood has changed me..............." and I could just ramble on and on. I guess walking this path has really made me take a good, hard look at myself, and is forcing me to learn more about myself as a person too.
Most recent piece of writing has gone live, do read and send some love! Would also love to hear any thoughts :)
Most recent piece of writing has gone live, do read and send some love! Would also love to hear any thoughts :)
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