Sunday, April 22, 2007

i was reading my soci textbook about global inequality when this popped out at me.

"the average cow in a rich country is supported by 3 times the level of income of a poor person in Africa."

what the hell right. the world is going to the dogs - how a cow can be supported by more money than a human being; 3 times more, at that, is completely beyond me.

i say, give the cows to the poor people and give them both money.

like, less talk and more action about removing inequality between countries in the world!
talk comes cheap. talking about making the world a more equal place but forcing poor countries to cough up more than 4 times their annual GDP in the form of interest incurred from loans ain't gonna help in their development. sometimes it puzzles me how politicans can be so... duh.

i'm no law school student, rocket scientist, or whatever. but simple things like that, i get. most politicans and world leaders are eloquent, brainy men. 'nuff said ha. i think if the world was run by women, maybe poverty would be eradicated at a much faster pace.

rahhhh sociology is turning my brain into mush.

give me the taste, give me the joy of summer wine
these are the days that bring new meaning
i feel the stillness of the sun;
- and i feel fine.
sometimes when the nights are closing early,
i remember you,
and i start to smile.
even though now, you don't want to know me,
i get on by;
and i go the extra mile.

these are the days of love and meaning,
ice of the heart has melted away,
and found the light.
these are the days of endless dreaming,
troubles of life are floating away,
like a bird in flight.

life's good, even in the midst of exams. God loves me, i know it more than ever, and everything's falling into place somewhat.
i'm no longer discontent, no longer disgruntled. about anything. impatience has drained out of me, i'm so Zen-like these days i think.

when i can feel the stillness of the sun, when i can hear the tiny whisper of God's spirit in my heart, when i can smile at memories past, when i can look on from the peripherals and feel fine - i know all will be fine in due course. when i know God has a plan for me even though i don't really know the exact details of the plan, and sometimes the macro-view of the plan's a little foggy too, and i can still place my trust and faith in His hands, it's good.
hmm i think i'm growing up. all of nineteen and a bit - you'd be surprised at how different i am from my 17 or 18 year old self from a year or two ago.

i think if i met my 17 year old self, i'd give me a good rattle to shake myself to my senses. if i met my 18 year old self, i'd give me a few tight slaps for similar reasons.

these are the days.

i feel the stillness of the sun,
and i feel fine.

there's such a lot of life to look forward to. :)

i could be the world's first influential female political figure. i'd put a stop to the nonsense of spending more on my cows or goats or sheep or whatever, and use the money on the poor in Africa instead.

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