imagine okay, the last whole week, i've been holed up in the biz library from 9am to 9.45pm with the church people - Chels, Stef, Pun, Clem and Dan. sleeping at 2am and trying my darndest to wake up by 8am. Clem's been giving Chels and i wake up calls every single morning - and still i failed to wake up 2 of the mornings.
i've been SO TIRED.
and have taken to sleeping in the library.
so imagine my surprise when i woke up from my afternoon nap on Thursday to hate mail on my laptop screen - in bright red, no less!
t'was the first thing i saw when i woke up and started up my computer again cos it'd gone into hibernation. that was how long i napped okay.
all because of this:

and the wonderful Pun who typed that loving message on my laptop. :)
for some reason, my nails really annoy the hell out of the guys. i dunno why. i came back home today and my mom also flipped over them. are they that horrendous? hmm. ohwell! i spent one hour doing them on Monday night, so i think i'll leave them on for a while more. or else, all the effort spent will be gone, just like that.
and. i also had a randomly strange msn convo with Mel on Thursday. once again, in the library. we were talking about eating plans, and this was what was born out of it:
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
because the chili will make me excited. i am an easily excitable girl.
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
i am also broke
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
shall we go crabbing tonight then?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
then we can eat our crabs tmr.
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
ok. but i need to study.
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
oh wait we also have to pluck chili
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
shall you crab on my behalf.
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
i think you're smart enough already.
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
oh i thought we have to like grow the chili plant first
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
oh yah. shall we grow one today so we can eat for next sem?
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
ok. then do we have to like nurture the crabs too?
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
like from little baby crabs.
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
so we can eat next year?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
hmm maybe.. but what if we forget to feed the crabs?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
they'll eat each other
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
then we won't have any to eat anymore.
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
let's just get adult crabs
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
and let them eat chili plants
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
and put them in boiling water after? :D
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
oh i have a brilliant idea!
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
if they eat chili
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
for their whole lives,
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
they'll be naturally hot right?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
so no need to cook in chili already!
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
maybe they will self combust and become chili crabs?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
just eat straight like that
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
oh so smart! great minds think alike
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
shall we present our theory in a thesis?
/mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
fantastically brilliant.
mel. 4th floor chiobus (:
for which module may i ask?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
er. food science 101?
kelly* the truth is what you want to see
okay lah dump your marketing already lah. we can set up a business and be rich by 26
blah blah blah we went, on and on about crabs and our toyboys (which i will not divulge here ha).
and Stef never lets me live this down: "Is Lenin the father of Stalin?"
a brilliant question i asked her in the middle of pol science lecture at the most opportune moment - when our lecturer had stopped talking and there was momentary silence in the LT. after which Stef Fong burst out in annoyance "You guys are talking very loudly." i think the "Is Lenin the father of Stalin" question was what did us in, actually. she probably couldn't believe her ears, and neither could the rest of the 80 people in lecture.
okay i shall go continue reading soci now. i am reading about how families are declining and divorces are increasing. i wonder if i'm ever gonna get married cos there's thing called the Marriage Market Squeeze, where women are getting increasingly educated. which wouldn't be a problem in itself, except that men seemingly like stupid women, as evidenced by their preference to marry a lower-educated woman. women are smarter, they like smart men. probably because they know that a smart man will be able to give them money to spend. so. since more women are getting educated and the number of men getting educated aren't increasing, less and less women are getting married to Singaporean men. and Singaporean men have to go to Vietnam or China to find uneducated women to marry.
like huh right. perfectly wonderful, beautiful specimens of womankind like me aren't gonna get married because i'm too smart. poor me.
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