Saturday, June 02, 2007

i am falling sick. whoop-dee-doo. maybe it's all the late nights kicking in.

my head's fuzzy and my nose's runny and my cpu processing speed is way low today. i feel like a pentium 2 only, today. i have zero inspiration to blog, zero motivation to move, zero motivation to do anything other than laze in my room. i guess being ill does give one a license to cut oneself a bit of slack.

heh, what slack am i talking about? i've been cutting myself plenty of slack ever since shaking off the shackles of studenthood the last day of exams That 30th of April.

that weekend was a memorable one, in so many ways you can't imagine how so.

i'm starting to get lost in my memories again these days and i'm not sure i want to shake myself out of my reverie anytime soon, cos that memory is so much sweeter than the present. and then, there are other memories i lose myself in too, for precisely the same reasons. it's odd how i can flip through the photo album of my mind and pick out the memory i want to relive - and do just that. everything else around me becomes inconsequential and just another something that happens; the relived memory claims me completely and i give myself up to it while it lasts.

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