Friday, June 29, 2007

i can't believe i spent the last 3 hours and 45 min talking on the phone! the lucky girl was Stef. haha. but yes, 3 hours and 45 minutes is rather incredible, but i reckon it's cos we haven't caught up in a long time.

had a good chat, amid the drama unfolding at home!

my parents' air-con died. which seems to have nothing to do with me, right? wrong. my mom told me to switch off my room's air-con (because apparently my air-con eats up their air-con's supply). so here i am, in Carol's room, and dad in my room, and Carol in mom's room.

i spent the last two nights sleeping on the pull-out bed.. in my room. yes, in my room. my mom conveniently moved over to my bed and kicked me onto the floor. i think my nose couldn't take it though, cos i've been having sinus problems the last two days.

come to think about it, my last week has been pretty packed. i'm going out tomorrow, again, and Saturday too. met Chels today, Tri the day before, and spent Tuesday cleaning out my table and talking to Chels in the afternoon. Monday with Tri. tomorrow with Mel and Yisi and maybe Chels. Saturday with zj, and maybe my sister. whenever my days get overly packed, i start to take a step back and wonder why. maybe i'm overthinking.

'tis a new feeling. not very nice. but the nice long talk with Stef staved some of it away. i think it's temporal.

5-hour phone conversations.


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