Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear God,

My prayer for tonight and for many many nights to come has to be:
Close all the doors that need to be closed, and open the one that needs to be opened.

The last paper of my entire undergraduate life is in roughly 40 hours' time.
After which, I'm setting off into the great unknown as a Economically Viable Member of Society - which means that if I'm not earning any income, I will be a blemish on Singapore's GDP calculation.
(Trust me, I don't intend to stay that way for long, too many people would be horrified at the lack of productivity of a university graduate)

However, after my two-month internship with Women's Weekly ends in February, it remains an undeniable fact that I am unemployed. Ergo, I am not contributing to the economy, ergo, I should be ashamed of myself.

Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds for me in terms of job prospects. I've been knocking on locked doors and perhaps it's time to recognize the fact that these doors are locked, and that I don't have the keys to unlock them for the time being, and that it's time to move on to try other doors. My pride's not allowing that decision to be made easily though, and I'm still hoping against hope that somehow this will work out.

But you know, at the end of the day, I can only knock on those doors for so long before my knuckles become raw and bruised. And they're halfway there, I daresay. It's full concentration on exam prep for the next 24 hours or so, before I give it my all for two hours in MPSH6 and then bid my undergraduate life farewell and turn to face my future squarely in its uncertain entirety.

Am I scared? Hell yeah.
But do I hope? That's all I have left to cling on to.

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