Friday, November 19, 2010

Hope & faith on this day

In the midst of all the words, there's always space for more, it seems.
Just when I thought I'd given up on this semester, I received news today that things may not be as lost as I thought they were, praise God! I just shouldn't get my hopes up too high since it really ain't over til the fat lady sings. But today, I shall float on my sampan in this little lagoon of hope and feel buoyed by the waves of optimism that lap gently at my feet. I'll start to worry about my upcoming exam, my unpreparedness for AYD, and the uncertainty of my future from here later, but for today, I will just leave all these aside and be properly and for once, be roundly grateful for being so blessed.

Count your blessings, they say - and I've never really done that in recent times. I've always been whining, always been complaining, always been moping. Once in a while, some things happen to make you really want to crawl into bed and never want to come out again, and you go to bed moaning about how unfair life is and how life sucks shit. This sem has been like that practically the entire way, with dismal job prospects (ie. joblessness) and lousy academic performances all-round. The past 14 weeks have seen me on more emotional lows in a row than in most other past sems. But well, after everything's been said and done and the dust has settled a bit, it's time to focus on what's ahead and just move on. And muddle around in the dimness of uncertainty.

Alrighty I'm done with musing. No pictures today cos I haven't taken any recently. 
Heading out in a bit to just walk around in town with no specific objective. How long has it been since I last did that!

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