Thursday, July 29, 2010

Passion, Naivete, Conviction

How time really flies. It was barely last week when I found myself stepping through the gates of my beloved CHIJ again, after something like 8 years. It feels a bit like I'm coming back full circle; there's so much I feel for this place even though it's been such a long time since I left. The building may have changed, the principal a new one, but this is still the school I spent a good 7 years of my life in, the place to which I can credit a great deal of who I am today. I started out unsure - scared, even, of what this internship experience would bring. Now that this is all almost over, I find myself sitting here wishing this could go on for longer. I never thought I would look forward to stepping into class, never imagined myself to actually find that I like speaking to a classroom full of restless teens, like teaching these at-times eager, at others totally disinterested young people. I must admit that I do surprise myself more often than I would give myself credit for.

Right now, I'm marking a stack of expository essays on Passion - and I cannot help but feel how apt it is that I am reading all these essays at the moment. As I comment on the oftentime naive and idealistic words of 40 fourteen-year-olds, I find myself wondering to myself if I really know what I am passionate about. If I'm as passionate about teaching as I am about learning. I even learnt a thing or two from some of the girls: the difference between passion and obsession, and I find myself humbled as I note the wisdom in the words of a fourteen-year-old. This job brings self-discovery with each day that goes by, and I find myself noting with the wonderment of a teen, the new things I learn each day - about myself and about bigger things like passion.

This is what life should be about, this is the kind of thing I want to spend my time and life on. I just wonder if I'm stating these with all the the naivete of my schooling self, or if I'm indeed ready to go into the deep with both feet, without my life buoy snug around me.


Trina Tay said...

This sounds really good, Kel :) If this is what ignites you, I'm really happy you've found it! You'll always have the support of your best friend here! Hope to see you soon!

Clement Chua said...

who says you don't have your life buoy snug around you? :)