Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What-The-Hell Wednesday

Today is turning out to be one of those days. Sigh.
Woke up with a massive headache, cos slept too little last night. Yes I know, I'm turning out to be one of those horrid working people who cannot stay up past 10pm on weekday nights. :(
Logged onto facebook and saw my classmates' graduation pics. Which you know, is a happy thing. But I'm so envious at the moment cos it feels like I'm NEVER going to graduate. I'm such a witch, I know. Feeling envious at other people's happiness. Sigh.
That, and the fact that I'm starting to teach tomorrow and I'm already nervous (what the hell right), and have not started planning for lessons for next week at all. Plus, I have no motivation to write my reflections for the week.
Oh, and I have a totally improptu meeting with Dr Ang today, cos I didn't realise that when I postponed last week's meeting to this week, it would be today.

Today's turning out to be one of those days. I just want to go home and sleep.


Trina Tay said...

*hugs* are you alright? Don't worry about teaching, you'll be great! Anyway have some of the bubble tea next time you have a headache, caffeine helps. Looking forward to Fri! Take care of yourself in the meantime ok?

Kelly said...

thanks Tri! this week is just a grouchy week haha.

yeah looking forward to Fri too. this week is really dragging, for some reason. heh.