Saturday, June 01, 2013

All the choirs in my head say...

I'm spending this weekend putting together my writing playlist. Yes, that's right - a writing playlist. What's it for, you may ask? Well, I've made no secret of wanting to write and publish someday, so when better to kick-start this than now when I've got a little more time and flexibility on my hands? ;)

Here's a little peek into what's in my writing playlist for now. Each of these songs move me on some deep, primal level and evoke a whole rush of emotions - which I need plenty of when I write. I like songs from movies because I'm a visual creature, and listening to these songs bring to mind scenes which have struck me particularly.

Lana Del Rey's Young and Beautiful
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?

Bruno Mars' It Will Rain

Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound
Come morning light - you and I'll be safe and sound.

Rihanna's Stay

Florence and the Machine's Breath of Life

Okay I still have a long way to go in building up that list, which I reckon will keep getting tinkered with as and when my mood changes.. In the meanwhile, happy Saturday everybody!