Monday, July 29, 2013

We've got a baby on board!

17 weeks 4 days. That’s (approximately) how much time has passed since a precious little life has taken root in my belly, growing each day. Yes, that’s right, we’re expecting a baby! Given how my previous pregnancy ended way earlier than it should have, my optimism and joy has been tempered somewhat – okay, more like totally dampened.. But as the days have turned into weeks and months, and my baby seems to be growing according to medical charts with each doctor’s appointment, I’ve finally allowed myself to feel a teensy bit joyful at our very own miracle we’ve been a part of :) 

I’ve spent the first trimester in constant worry and fear. The first milestone that we crossed which let me breathe a little easier was the 8 week mark, which was when we had discovered that our beloved first baby’s heart had stopped beating last year. After that, it was the fear that I wouldn’t make it past the first trimester of this pregnancy. And then came the 16 week mark, when we knew that our precious baby had made it for twice the amount of time our beloved first baby had lived and died.

In-between, the days were fraught with frantic trips to the doctor whenever I had a bleed, which happened way too frequently whenever I stepped into the office – which resulted in me arranging to work from home for an entire month just to ride the few weeks out into the beginning of the second trimester when things would supposedly be more stable. I’ve had a bout of food poisoning which saw me throwing up in the office toilet and leaving me in utter misery, seeing as how I’d managed to keep my morning sickness well under control all this while without having to vomit even once no matter how awful I felt..

So now, here we are, at 17 weeks and 4 days into our pregnancy, and I’m finally starting to let myself believe that our baby will be coming into this world in about 22 weeks’ time. I still do go through days when I’m convinced something has happened, and I just throw myself into the day and try not to dwell on such thoughts. And each time we see our precious baby’s constant heartbeat on the ultrasound monitor and his/her kicking, turning, rolling, seeing on-screen, I feel like a knot in the pit of my stomach loosens a little and I find myself smiling like I haven’t seen anything more beautiful in the world.

At this point, we still don’t know whether we’re expecting a boy or a girl, just because each time we try to take a peek during our regular routine check-ups, baby refuses to show the goods and then promptly turns the other way, leaving us with nothing but images of his/her behind waggling about. Although I’d like to know, just so we can start looking at some baby clothes or blankets, I’m actually surprisingly not impatient about it. I just know that whatever gender baby turns out to be will make no difference, and finding out will only add to my mounting joy and anticipation and could not subtract from it.

Each day I feel the lingering symptoms of first-trimester pregnancy, like residual morning sickness nausea, a blocked left ear whenever I hurry to get out of the house in the mornings, exhaustion by mid-morning, a gnawing hunger at night before bed, a horrid bloatedness whenever I have my dinner too late at night… I complain with all my heart at my patient, loving husband, who always tries to alleviate my discomfort. But with these, I know that my baby is still growing in me, and I can’t help but remind myself to be thankful for these physical discomforts.

So until my next doctor’s appointment and I get to see my baby frolicking about on the ultrasound screen, I think I can’t help but remain worried that the worst may be just around the corner.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

All the choirs in my head say...

I'm spending this weekend putting together my writing playlist. Yes, that's right - a writing playlist. What's it for, you may ask? Well, I've made no secret of wanting to write and publish someday, so when better to kick-start this than now when I've got a little more time and flexibility on my hands? ;)

Here's a little peek into what's in my writing playlist for now. Each of these songs move me on some deep, primal level and evoke a whole rush of emotions - which I need plenty of when I write. I like songs from movies because I'm a visual creature, and listening to these songs bring to mind scenes which have struck me particularly.

Lana Del Rey's Young and Beautiful
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?

Bruno Mars' It Will Rain

Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound
Come morning light - you and I'll be safe and sound.

Rihanna's Stay

Florence and the Machine's Breath of Life

Okay I still have a long way to go in building up that list, which I reckon will keep getting tinkered with as and when my mood changes.. In the meanwhile, happy Saturday everybody!

Friday, May 31, 2013

First peek back in here in a long while

I haven't blogged in what feels like forever! Things have been getting more positive for me, since the last time I checked in here. Which I suppose is inevitable, cos it just couldn't get any worse than that. :)

So I've just started a temporary arrangement where I work from home - but only for a month or so until my situation improves a little.. In the meanwhile, I'm just sitting tight and enjoying the little bit more freedom and flexibility that not having to step into the office affords me.

That also means that I have a lot of unworn, recently bought clothes lying around in my closet. Haha!

All that aside, working from home has been good for me. Prior to this, was on two week medical leave and it was actually a really good, much-needed rest. I've been able to indulge in things I used to love to do. Like reading in bed, exploring the world of Azeroth once more, watching episodes of my favourite TV back-to-back... I reckon if all goes as it should, this part of my life will be over for a while. So I really am enjoying this while it lasts! :)

All this is also making me think about what I really wanna do in the future. One step at a time, I guess.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Thinking, missing, wanting

It's been months and still, sometimes, I surprise myself with the intensity of missing.
Life goes on for sure, I go to work, enjoy spending time with friends, doing things I love like reading, gaming and shopping, and am generally happy.

Lately, I've been forced to face up to the reality of missing more so than ever. Friends and family who are expecting their bundles of joy are all around, and what's worse, I don't know how to react. I don't even know what I'm feeling whenever I hear such happy news. Only after when I'm in the safety of the bathroom under a comforting stream of hot water from my shower, do I finally sort through the tangle of emotions and acknowledge them for what they are. There's a lot of wistfulness for what I could be having now; a bit of jealousy; plenty of joy for my loved ones; and strangely enough, what's most prominent is the rawness of the pain I still feel. It's odd, I'd have thought time would have put some distance between myself and the emotion, but if anything, it's back stronger than ever.

Not a day goes by without me thinking, missing, wanting. I tell myself that there's a time for everything, that there will be time enough for everything, not to be impatient for what the future brings but instead to just concentrate on enjoying the moment for what it is. I tell myself all these, and I try to will myself to believe. But time has not done its work and I'm still left each day wishing that things hadn't turned out the way they had.