Tuesday, August 12, 2008

say hello to the new term

all of two days in school, and classes both excite and scare me. i don't know how this semester will turn out, and being around people 24/7 IS that huge change in my routine - & i'm uncertain how that will turn out, too. a lot of work to be done, and i'm even looking forward to it, warped as it may sound. i'm running on some spare batteries now i suspect cos clocking an average of 4.5 hours of sleep the last two days has allowed me to keep days chock full to the brim, from early morning at 8 or 9 o'clock, to 11 o'clock at night.

here i am in my own homey room, typing this all in, never wanting to leave again cos it's MY room and i feel so comfortable in it - but knowing i'll have to go back to school tomorrow night and face Thursday morning with a vengance.

tutorial participation will be my new goal this sem - and i will do it even if it kills me.

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