Friday, December 17, 2010

So it's been two weeks since I started on my internship here - but it feels as though I just started. I'm getting into a comfortable rhythm and think it's time to try to rock my boat a bit and ask for more challenges. Need to maximize my time and experience here and try to sort out thoughts about my future. I'm really not sure what I want to do now, and I keep changing my mind each day. I'm a tad scared cos December is going a lot faster than I thought it would and I'm not any closer to being sure about anything. Sigh. I feel so unaccomplished and pathetic. Need to try not to wallow in self-pity and actually do something, but I'm at a bit of a loss at what I should do :/

Shall try to clear my head over the weekend and recharge myself for a week of hard work before lapsing into a partying frame of mind that Christmas and New Year always puts me in. I am determined to get my immediate future at least of the next year sorted out before January sneaks up on me.

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