Thursday, February 17, 2011

In 10 short days, I am going to lose all my delicious freedom - which I so enjoy at the moment.
In approximately 16 hours, I am going to have to actually lift the pen to sign that freedom away.
The past week has seen me indulging in so many things I haven't been able to do for a long time: reading book after book in bed before just plopping my head down on the pillow and going off to sleep, reliving my childhood by playing Nintendo games on my lappie (shhhhh naughty me!). Oh, and throwing tonnes of stuff out from my dusty shelves and scraping out dust bunnies from nooks and crannies. It's so liberating, you have no idea. I had no idea.

As you may be able to guess, I am rather quite nervous about starting work. Nervousness aside, I am also anxious about no longer being free. I guess the next time I'll have time like this to myself again will be a long time to come.

Cheers to a happy working life.

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