Thursday, September 25, 2008


i am so uninspired to write my Asian American essay. i have absolutely nothing to write, and i have three pages to attempt to fill. this is the first time in a fricking long time i have had such a bad case of writer's block.

i think all this heavy-duty lit-book reading is seriously frying my brain. i zoomed through Alice in Wonderland by Monday, was attempting to read the intro to Three Gothic Novels Tuesday, and have finished The Castle of Othranto today. i am thinking of beginning on Vathek tonight too, and perhaps skip Frankenstein because i have read it before and have to move swiftly on to Great Expectations and Ivanhoe. and i have stacks of Keats' voluminous poetry to read (google Lamia, for any of you who might be interested in poetry that's kinda long, google Idylls of the King - by Alfred Lord Tennyson - if you're interested in poetry that's book-length).

and. the newest cycle of antm is still showing in the US so i have no choice but to wait til next week for episode 5 of cycle 11 to be posted. as such, i decided to try watching cycle 3 of Britain's Next Top Model and i think it's actually not too bad, considering how i do not understand what the Brit girls are saying when they get all pissy and bitchy when they fight. great entertainment value though, and Lisa Snowdon is probably a lot more help than Tyra Banks. but i still like my antm because for some reason, the girls' photos are so much nicer in antm than in bntm. maybe it's just cos i grew up on an antm diet, so my aesthetic values are slanted towards the commercialised trashy American side. which is sad, but i'm a product of my media diet.

to top it all off, i have an utterly useless project meeting tomorrow. 8 (or 9) people in a project group to produce a powerpoint slideshow is bordering on ridiculous. it's like one of those stupid light bulb jokes that go "how many people does it take to change a spoilt lightbulb??" and the answers run the whole gamut of stupid.

so, just how many people are needed to produce a slideshow? it would seem the module administration think 8 is the magic number. ho-hum.

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