Monday, March 24, 2008


i refuse to read Henry James' The Turn of the Screw now when noone's home. apparently it's a ghost story and after reading the synopsis on wikipedia, i think it's too scary for me to read when noone's at home to keep me company. i have manymany things to do, all suddenly due soon within the next 3 to 4 weeks. so dejavu-ish, eh. i remember this time last sem i was similarly stressed and well, stressed.

i'm penning down all my deadlines and whatnots now into my organizer and i can feel my blood pressure rising. sigh. and to top it off, i think i did pretty badly for my psycho lit midterm assignment. i need to ace my final paper which is gonna make up 45% of my grade. i think i need to talk to my prof about my not-very-fantastic midterm and find out where i went wrong.

all the projects are killing me. i'm completely clueless about my stats project but i'm desperately trying to keep my group tight - thankfully i have someone else in my group who's quite good at that too. media writing is nuts, i have had 3 assignments throughout the term already, and then there's this wretched project due on week 13, too. i just hope i managed a B+ for my film midterm then i won't be so pressurised to score an A+ or something for my final assignment, whose deadline happens to fall on the same day as my film presentation.

and i've given up hope on my sep application for this round already. still no news, and it's been almost 3 weeks. they seem to hate me over there at the sep office. i wonder what i need to do to get my place. maybe my cap is just too shitty but at the same time i'm inclined to think otherwise cos i know a gazillion people who're going with similar or lower caps.

heh maybe i should take their advice then and try to brush up my cap before trying again.

my stomach has been feeling weird the last two days or so and i think it's partially due to my incessant eating and suppering. i should stop all this excessive eating cos i'm not exercising at all and therefore am at high risk of piling on the fat permanently.

and my hair. it's driving me crazy. i just cut it last week but already it seems too long. since WHEN did my hair grow at the rate of wild grass? it's always been slow, so i don't know when my hair began to shake off its sluggish growth.

all these have contributed to my antsy and touchy self lately - and i apologise if i've stepped on your toes while in this kind of batty mood. i've been downright unpleasant and unreasonable at times too, and i think these reasons, though perfectly valid, don't validate my actions at all. i'm turning into a cow. i can't believe i still have another 2 and a half to 3 years left in school. more sems like that and i'll die prematurely.

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