Friday, January 25, 2008


the nus admin system is a bloody pain in the ass and i hate nus to a million gazillion bits and tiny pieces. i fricking got rejected for my SEP application, and they don't even have the bloody decency to let me know. i have to ASK and what do i get? an automated rejection email from their automated system.

"We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful.

Miss XXX"

i spend so much time on my fricking application and they KNOW IT, because the SET THE BLOODY FORM, and WHAT DO I GET WHEN I DON'T GET A PLACE? bloody fricking fools i tell you. who treat those who get their wonderful little exchange places like fricking royalty, whom, if i may add, have been chosen via God-knows-WHAT criteria, and what about poor rejected people like me??

i am so mad i could throw dog poo over someone's immaculate front lawn now and not feel bad at all for messing up someone's precious prize-winning petunias.

i promptly emailed back a tad sarcastically about their helpfulness and AGAIN, asked WHY THE HELL i got rejected when half the world gets a fricking place. if they can't even tell me why, then i will jolly well ask until they get sick of me. i want to know why. i don't care, i want to know. i am so pissed off that they can't even tell me WHY. it's like being killed for apparently no reason. if i were the murderee, i'd want to know why i got killed by my stupid murderer.

okay so i know like i'm acting like it's my God-given right to go on exchange. but i guess i'm feeling sore and upset and extremely pissed off with nus and all their incompetent admin right now because my friends have all managed to get places and i do not know of ANYONE who gets turned down for exchange. ANYONE. i must be the only loser i know who has been rejected from nus exchange ever in history. i haven't gotten lousy grades, my application was complete. so why. the. hell. ARGH.

i am extremely agitated right now and if given the chance would bite off the heads of the people who processed my application. if they can't give me a good enough reason WHY. i know i know there's always next sem. but i was really looking forward to going the coming sem and actually after emailing back what i emailed back, they might black list me forever. cos i was so mad when i hammered in my acerbic mail and hit the send button.

omg i hate nus. right now, right here, i hate my school. i am so mad i want to cry.

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