Tuesday, January 22, 2008

blow blow blow

oh i'm veritably dying from sinus problems. i kid you not. i was up practically the entire night sneezing my throat out of my mouth and trying to breathe through my periodically very stuck nose. right now as i sit here to type this, my eyes are watery and there's green icky stuff threatening to come out of my nose. for some strange strange reason, my stomach aches too and is uncomfortably turning around. i couldn't sleep very much, only falling asleep when the sun had crept through my window and jolting up at 10am with a gigantic sneeze from deep within me. sigh. class later. i have a good mind not to go and to try to get my nose in order again, cos class's gonna last till 8pm today. and i have to get well by tomorrow's psychoanalysis seminar cos attendance is very much taken.

sigh. i'm dead tired but i can't sleep. my nose is itchy, my throat is scratchy, my eyes are watery, my head's achy.

i hate my sinuses. i want to have them drained so i can live like a normal person and not have to blow my nose every few minutes and have the whole world turn around to stare at my trumpet-blowing cos that's what it sounds like.

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