Thursday, April 03, 2008

time of the month again.

while today saw the worst bout of cramps i'd seen in a long time, today also saw the shortest bout of cramps in my pubescent history. i haven't felt this close to fainting in a long while, and yet, i haven't recovered that quickly from such a debilitating onslaught of pain before, either. the queue at the polyclinic was ridiculously long. if i was in dire straits, i would never go to a polyclinic. when i stepped into the poly, i felt as though i was on death's door. it seems slightly exaggerated here, even comical, perhaps. but i honestly felt i was going to pass out from the pain. i waited for 15 minutes before i could even register to see a doctor, and had to wait another hour and a bit to actually see the doctor. by the time i was half an hour into seeing the doctor, i was so much better and could sit up straight and not have to close my eyes to keep the dizziness at bay.

this is the kind of torment i undergo every month. some months, i'm in so much pain i have no words to articulate what i go through. today, i'm blessed with my speedy recovery which thankfully left my mental faculties relatively untouched and unfuzzed. hence this semi-articulate post about the horrors of my menstrual cramps.

and i was also able to almost finish editing all the parts of the project. i'm left with writing my own bit in - which i hope to finish by tonight. and i'll slowly add in the appendices and clean up the biblio over the weekend, in-between writing my film essay. which i have not even begun on and some semblence of panic is starting to set in somewhere at the back of my mind.

i wonder if i'll survive the pain of childbirth.

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