Saturday, April 21, 2007

i just spent half an hour blog-surfing, sitting on my chair breathing, listening to a high soprano singing, and just existing.

soci exam is on Monday.

i have read only half a chapter since waking up at 11am this morning. and i slept for 2 hours in the afternoon.

BAD GIRL KELLY. one more week of mugging hell - you can do it!

without looking like a grass-cutter.

and the one and only time you'll see me making a peace sign jap schoolgirl style...

is during exam time cos i dunno why, but i take crazy spastic pictures during exam period.

minus the overkill of cuteness lah, don't worry, cos even when my brain's half-dead with swallowing notes and textbooks, i still can't force myself to ooze that kinda odd kawaii-ness, even if i tried.

it's more like this kinda spastic-ness that i can manage.

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