Wednesday, July 04, 2007

okay. sleeping on the pull-out bed in MY ROOM everynight for the last say, 4, 5 nights - is not funny at all.
not funny AT ALL.
having to creep around in my room for fear of waking my mother up - isn't really very funny either.
having to apologise when i sneeze or cough in my room - is totally unfunny.

i can't sleep like this anymore. either my nose will lose it completely, or i will. the dust on the bed that i'm forced to sleep in is present in huge quantities.
so huge, that my sinus problem just kicks in and runs away.
if the air-con man doesn't repair the air-con in my mother's room soon, i am going to find someone who can because i cannot live with my mother taking over my room for much longer without not saying anything remotely unpleasant to her. for 5 days, i've been gritting my teeth and saying "sure mom, you can sleep in my room tonight again" (even though she didn't really need to ask, she just plops herself on my bed anyway) with a painfully forced little smile on my face.

i wake up today with severe dust allergy symptoms kicking in and i want to cry out of frustration. tonight, tomorrow night. rah. i bet the air-con won't be repaired on Friday still, and i have to endure ANOTHER bloody week. i think i will come downstairs to sleep on the sofa or something. i need my personal space back.

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