Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I am going to start my style journal!

I've decided that I'm gonna start journaling my outfits so that I can keep track exactly of my tastes and preferences where clothes are concerned. I realised that I buy things that catch my eye, and many of my purchases are impulse buys. Maybe if I'm more aware of what suits me (cutting, colours, designs), and if I know what kinds of outfits I already have, I can maximise my shopping dollar. Hopefully hopefully! I also want to see the evolution of my style and see if I can tack a particular style to my way of dressing.

Will just be posting those outfit entries in this blog as well cos I'm lazy to maintain more than one blog :P Yes I'm a lazy bum heh. Start soon, like after I produce my 4000 word Pynchon essay by Friday! So, STAY TUNED!

Meanwhile, am just waiting for AI to start. Am reading one of my several Pynchon criticism books I borrowed from the library in the meantime..

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