Sunday, March 25, 2007

this weekend has been like, a whirlwind of activity. been going out so much since Friday that's a miracle i've managed to finish my part for the new media project by last night.

i must admit though, that a lot of what i did this weekend made me very happy. :)

lunched with Koko Maggie and Christian at a superb japanese restaurant on Friday before going down to school to hand in my soci assignment, then headed to church for Mass and stations. oh, and did i mentioned i shopped a bit? heh. met mom in town on Saturday morning to get jeans. because. i am growing FAT. can't wear the jeans i bought early last year anymore. how sad is that right?

Sat night saw the zj girls at Alison's place having steamboat dinner and a load of girl talk. t'was fun! haha a couple of us had tummy aches after that though. perhaps it was the uncooked soup? ha. then came back and rushed the social impacts and dependency for new media project till 3-ish in the morning. it was really quite lucky i managed to sit through it cos i thought i was gonna lose interest half way. i tell you. i was so. bored. of. my. project.

i hope that doesn't mean it's a boring project overall.
i think it just means the project title was boring in the first place.

just came back from extended lunch after yes today. had a good sharing with the lunch people. Dan dropped me off at the sunrise bus stop and my feet are dying now from walking. it's a rather long walk home, especially in the hot sun and the heels i was wearing. but no complaints! a lift's a lift. bubble blisters on my foot nowwww. yucks. i hate them.

wonder when i'm gonna go back to hall. tonight? or tomorrow morning? can't decide. think i shall take a nap before adding in the citations for the new media project then decide as i sleep. i haven't been in hall for almost 3 weeks already i think. i could get used to not staying in hall, but i think it's just stupid to commute every morning when i still have my room. i'm only not staying next sem! so shall move back soon, i think.

Brother Michael Broughton's session today was super good btw. i didn't realise i was right about so many things until the session today. heh. like a lot of what he said, i'd discovered over the last few months, and just hearing it from him affirmed me that i'm on the right path. to wherever, i really dunno where, but wherever.

nap nap nap!

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